Dr. Maximilian Blaschke


Address: Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
eMail: maximilian.blaschke@tum.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 289-25003
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 289-25802
Room: 2421


Research Interests:

I investigate regulatory incentives that foster the adoption of greener alternative technologies like electric vehicles or renewable electricity generation. As these greener alternative technologies frequently depend on demand side management, storage as well as grid reinforcements, I focus my research on the economic implementation and usage optimization of these flexibility measures. Using simulations and economic models I challenge taxation mechanisms, subsidy schemes, policies and regulations with a sustainability and climate focus. By that, my research uncovers political barriers and provides solutions that drive and incentivize the adoption of renewable energy and clean transportation for a more sustainable future.


Teaching Activities:

Controlling (Exercise), Cost Accounting (Lecture / Exercise), Management Accounting & various seminars



Link to CV und publication list.

Main Publications:

Blaschke, Maximilian J.: Dynamic pricing of electricity: Enabling demand response in domestic households, Energy Policy (164), 2022

Steinbach, Sarah; Blaschke, Maximilian J.: Enabling electric mobility: Can photovoltaic and home battery systems significantly reduce grid reinforcement costs?; Applied Energy, Volume 375, 2024

Friedl, G., Reichelstein, S., Bach, A., Blaschke, M., Kemmer, L.: Applications of the levelized cost concept. J Bus Econ (93), 1125–1148, 2023  


Find an updated list here 


Current working papers:

Steinbach, Sarah; Blaschke, Maximilian J.: How grid reinforcement costs differ by socio-economic electric vehicle user groups; Nature Communications, Conditionally Accepted, August 2024
(Earlier Version from July 2023 available at MIT Working Paper Series via https://shorturl.at/OhoDO)

Bendzuck, Konrad; Mayer, Julian K.; Kwade, Arno; Kemmer, Lukas; Blaschke, Maximilian J.; Friedl, Gunther; Kollenda, Anna; Lechner, Maximilian; Keilhofer, Josef; R. Daub: Cost modeling for the GWh-scale production of modern lithium-ion battery cells; Nature Communications Engineering, Conditionally Accepted, July 2024

Blaschke, Maximilian J.: Subsidy-Induced Innovation & Learning: How Green are Subsidies in Electric Vehicles?
Blaschke, Maximilian J.: How households benefit from pre-announced electricity price information: a rolling horizon simulation with a battery storage system

Scholta, Hanna; Blaschke, Maximilian J.: Shedding Light on Green Claims: The Impact of a Closer Temporal Alignment of Supply and Demand in Voluntary Green Electricity Markets (MIT Working Paper Series June 2024)

Kemmer, Lukas; Bach, Amadeus; Blaschke, Maximilian J.: The impact of battery technology on residential solar PV and storage systems and their fossil fuel reduction potential, September 2024

Schloter, Lukas; Blaschke, Maximilian J.: Hidden discrimination: Why regulators around the world might deny a common measuring system for the emissions of vehicles