Topic | Contact person |
>> Teaching | |
Transfer of credits | Patricia Norum |
Theses (Registration) | Sophie Westphal |
Project studies | Lubna Al-Duri |
Letters of recommendation for studies abroad (e.g. for TUMexchange; Please consider the information on our homepage in teaching; incomplete requests can not be taken into consideration) | Maximilian Nadicksbernd |
Letters of recommendation for scholarships (e.g.Studienstiftung, bayerische Eliteakademie; Please consider the information on our homepage in teaching; incomplete requests are not taken into consideration) | Maximilian Nadicksbernd |
Teaching Evaluation | Patricia Norum |
Certificates | Patricia Norum |
Other exams | Patricia Norum |
Lecture planning | Dr. Maximilian Blaschke |
>> PRAXIS | |
TUMfast | |
Soley Tech Award | Dr. Maximilian Blaschke |
Third-party-projects | Dr. Maximilian Blaschke |
Förderverein Controlling | |
Opportunities for cooperation | Yanis Gamarra Hanna Scholta |
Job postings at the chair | |
Data set executive compensation | Gunther Friedl |
>> OTHER | |
Public presentation of the chair/Homepage |