Dr. Isabel Maria Parra Oller

Phone: +49 (0) 89 / 289 - 25489
Fax: 089 / 289 - 25488
E-Mail: isabel.parra(at)uam.es
Room: 3510
Office Hours: By appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Since 09/20 Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain).
10/18 - 09/20 Substitute Professor in the Department of Economics and Business at Universidad de Almeria (Spain).
10/18 PhD in Finance at Universidad de Almeria (Spain), under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Salvador Cruz Rambaud and Prof. Dr. Maria del Carmen Valls Martinez. Thesis title: The magnitude effect: empirical evidence and new tendencies.
01/17 - 04/17 Research visit in Dipartimento di Economia e Management at the Università Degli Studi Di Ferrara, with Prof. Dr. Stefano Bonnini.
09/15 M.Sc. in Corporate Accounting and Finance at Universidad de Almeria (Spain). Thesis title: The magnitude effect.
04/14-06/14; 11/14-04/15 Scholarship holder at the Chair of Family Business, Universidad de Almeria (Spain).
07/14 B.Sc. in Economics at Universidad de Almeria (Spain).
Selected Publications
Carmen Mendoza, Isabel María Parra Oller, Álvaro Rezola and Nuria Suárez (2022). Investment crowdfunding has little faith in sustainability! At least for the moment. Venture Capital.
Isabel María Parra Oller, Salvador Cruz Rambaud and María del Carmen Valls Martínez (2020). Discount models in intertemporal choice: an empirical analysis. European Journal of Management and Business Economics.
María del Carmen Valls Martínez, Salvador Cruz Rambaud and Isabel María Parra Oller (2020). Sustainable and conventional banking in Europe. PLoS ONE, 15(2), 1-23.
María del Carmen Valls Martínez, Salvador Cruz Rambaud and Isabel María Parra Oller (2019). Gender policies on board of directors and sustainable development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26(6), 1539-1553.
Salvador Cruz Rambaud, Isabel María Parra Oller and María del Carmen Valls Martínez (2018). The amount-based deformation of the q-exponential discount function: A joint analysis of delay and magnitude effects. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 508, 788-796.