Student resources

This section provides some useful links for our students.

Research related Links:

Social Science Research Network:

Ebsco Host - electronic database search:

Onvista - Stock prices, stocks, analyses:

Google scholar - Search scientific literature:

Available databases at TUM:


Teaching related Links:

Wisdom Supreme - Dictionary of Economics:

Oswego - A selection of free online economic textbooks:

Bookboon - A selection of free textbooks:


think-cell is a Microsoft Office add-in which integrates seamlessly with PowerPoint and helps you to visualize complex charts like Marimekko, Gantt and waterfall within minutes.

  • Free licenses of think-cell are available for students and researchers.
  • Visit the think-cell website for more information.

LaTex is a document preparation system that is used in particular in the scientific community.

R is a free statistical programm

For more information on software available at TUM School of Management click here.