
The Full Professorship of Financial Accounting offers the following courses for bachelor and master students:

Note: Information for all modules can be found in TUMonline.

Lectures Semester
Summer Semester  
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting (WIB301105): Corporate Governance SS 24
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting (WIB301102): Aktuelle Herausforderungen einer modernen Finanz- und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung SS 24
Decentralized Finance (MGT001326) SS 24
Understanding Financial Figures - An Accounting Masterclass (WI000998) SS 24
Evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von Big Data Analytics (WI001192) SS 24
Corporate Taxation - Lecture (WI001266) SS 24
Topics in General Management (WI001159): Planspiel / Business Simulation Game SS 24
Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001409): Digital Transformation in Companies SS 24
Winter Semester  
Applied Sustainability Reporting (MGT001352) WS 24/25
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Wirtschaftsprüfung (WIB04745_3) WS 24/25
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Unternehmen im Tech-Zeitalter aus der steuerlichen Perspektive (MGT001305) WS 24/25
Evidenzbasierte Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von Big Data Analytics (0000001981) WS 24/25
Financial Accounting (WI001059_E) WS 24/25
Financial Accounting (Master in Management) (WI001139) WS 24/25
International Accounting (only Master in Finance and Information Management) WS 24/25
Betriebswirtschaftslehre (für Lehramt Ernährungs- und Hauswirtschaftswissenschaft) WS 24/25
Topics in General Management (WI001159): Planspiel / Business Simulation Game WS 24/25
Advanced Seminar Marketing, Strategy, Leadership & Management (MGT001409): Digital Transformation in Companies WS 24/25