General Information
We offer two types of Letters of Recommendation (LoR)
1) LoR for TUMexchange
2) Written LoR for other university applications
A LoR for TUMexchange can only be issued for students who exhibited very good performance (grade of 1.3 or better) in at least one course of the Chair of Entrepreneurial Finance.
In the case of project studies, only an excellent performance (grade of 1.0) qualifies for a LoR.
A written LoR for other universities can only be issued if we feel able to recommend the student. This is usually only the case if students have participated in more than one course at the Chairs of Entrepreneurial Finance.
The decision whether we can issue a LoR is based on the overall performance and whether we feel able to recommend the student.
Please note that we do not issue Letters of Recommendations for job applications and are not available as personal references for applications.
To request a letter of recommendation please
- Outline your motivation to request this letter from the Chairs of Entrepreneurial Finance (including the institution you are applying for, your qualifications and your preparation in advance)
- Attach the following documents in one single PDF file
- Letter of motivation to the institution you are applying for
- Curriculum vitae
- Current transcript of records
- Certificate and transcript of record of peivious course of studies, if applicable
- Cerftificate of higher education entrance qualification
Please address your request to the contact person stated below via e-mail.
Note, that we can only write a letter of recommendation if we receive the complete documents three weeks in advance. Incomplete applications will need longer since we will need to request the documents stated above from the applicant.
Contact person
For further information, please contact Dorothee Kapelari (dorothee.kapelari(at)