Project Studies
General Information
Students of the TUM-BWL program are required to submit a project study during their course of studies. In the project study, students are to solve a practical task of a company under the joint supervision of the company and the department of the Chairs of Entrepreneurial Finance. The task stems from an authentic problem of the cooperating company and is supposed to introduce students to working a) on a real world problem and b) carrying out this task jointly in a team.
Application Process
To apply, please send the following documents four to six weeks before the projects start via e-mail (in one single PDF file) to the contact person of the respective project study:
- Curriculum vitae of each student
- Current transcript of records of each student
- Topic proposal (in case of a self-proposed topic)
- Students can apply for a project study by our Chairs. You can find an updated list of available topics here.
- Students are also welcome to acquire cooperation partners and projects and to ask the department for academic supervison. To be accepted as a project study by the department, the project study should be at least loosely related to research and teaching of the department. To apply, please send a topic proposal.
- The project study is to be carried out in a team of two to four students (at least one of the students should be enrolled in our elective).
- The project study is expected to be finished within a period of three months (full-time) in the semester breaks or six months (part-time) during the semester.
- On submission of their project study, students are granted 12 ECTS points.
- The project study starts with a kick-off meeting of the team, the cooperation partner and the respective colllaborator of the Chairs.
- During the project study, the students are supervised by the cooperation partner.
- Before the submission of their project study, students present their results in a final meeting with the cooperation partner and the respective collaborator of the Chairs.
Submisson of the project study (to the Chair)
- Two copies of the project study report
- Electronic version of the project study report (Word and PDF file)
- Electronic version of the presentation
- Raw data and analysis results
- Literature database
Contact Person
For further information, please contact Sara Boni (sara.boni(at)