
Prof. Bo Becker hosted at CEFS Finance Research Seminar

Yesterday, we had the honour to host Prof. Bo Becker from the Swedish House of Finance at our Finance Research Seminar. Bo's insights shed light on a critical aspect of economic dynamics: the relationship between bank branch closures and lending to SMEs.
In his latest research (together with Niklas Amberg), Bo shared with an eager group of over 30 Post-Docs, PhD and Master students a compelling finding: SMEs reduce short-term liabilities by a significant 11% following bank branch closures in Sweden. This revelation underscores the profound implications such closures can have on economies worldwide. And our conversation didn't stop at numbers; we delved into the real-life consequences and possible solutions. The link to their paper can be found here: LINK
But it wasn't all heavy discussion! We wrapped the session with some delightful pretzels and drinks while building connections and friendships. Bo Becker, your insights were invaluable, and we eagerly anticipate your return as a speaker in the future.
Our Finance Research Seminar series, hosted by the CEFS, is all about bringing together bright minds to tackle finance's toughest challenges. We're committed to facilitating meaningful discussions and knowledge exchange. So, mark your calendars for our next session on May 8th, when we will welcome Bing Zhu. If you're as passionate about finance as we are, we'd love to have you join us! Reach out to Aida Ćehajić to get involved. To subscribe to our seminar newsletter, please visit this LINK.