
Social Entrepreneurship Akademie launches Social Entrepreneurship program for universities all over Europe

The Social Entrepreneurship Akademie and the KfW Stiftung officially agreed to set up an intensive two-days kick-off program on Social Entrepreneurship for universities all over Europe.

This interactive workshop called „ZGI:kompakt“ introduces interdisciplinary students to the field of Social Entrepreneurship and supports them in generating their own social start-up ideas. Based on approved methods and instruments, the students get to know existing Social Enterprises and learn what it takes to set up own innovative solutions for the social and environmental challenges of our time.

Together with the KfW Stiftung, the Social Entrepreneurship Akademie is now looking for universities across Europe that are interested in implementing the program and becoming part of a growing ecosystem for early stage social entrepreneurs.

For more information, please refer to:

(The Social Entrepreneurship Akademie is a joint initiative of the four university-based entrepreneurship centers in Munich and was co-founded by Prof. Dr. Dr. Achleitner)