Redefining Risk-Adjusted Returns of PE Funds through Advanced Analytics
Advisor: Sara Boni, M.Sc.
Start: flexible
- Previous literature suggests various ways to compute risk-adjusted Private Equite funds returns
- However, recent data analytics methodologies offer ways to produce alternative measures.
- The goal would be to review the literature that already existts as well as implement the new measure to compute PE funds returns.
Interest in quantitative finance and private markets; interest in empirical work and special dedication to coding in Phyton; attention to detail.
Related Literature
Gupta, A. and Van Nieuwerburgh, S. (2021), Valuing Private Equity Investments Strip by Strip. The Journal of Finance, 76: 3255-3307.
Brown, G. W., Ghysels, E., Gredil, O. R., (2023), Nowcasting Net Asset Values: The Case of Private Equity, The Review of Financial Studies, 36(3): 945–986,
Contact & application
If you are interested in writing your master thesis on this topic, please indicate this in your application. Please note that this topic can be expanded and/or taken in other directios depending on the student's own interests and ideas.