Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Case Study Seminar
The Case Study Seminar is directed at students of the master degree in Management & Technology. See details for further information.
Supervisor: Jeana Ren, Sophia Spitzer, Maximilian Nadicksbernd
Language: English
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS
Participants: 30 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance & Accounting: Political Stakeholder Management
Lecturer: Prof. Klemens Joos, Founder & Managing Director (CEO) EUXEA Holding GmbH
Supervision: Markus Frank
Language: German
Workload: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Number of participants: limited to 16
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Developing an Internationalization Strategy for German Producers
The seminar "Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Developing an Internationalization Strategy for German Producers" is aimed at students enrolled in the Master's programs Master in Management and Technology, Master in Management, Master in Consumer Science.
Lecturer: Dipl.-Ing. Isabel Knauf, Knauf Group
Supervisor: Clemens Neumann
Language of instruction: English
Scope: 6 ECTS/ 4 SWS
Enrollment limit: 32 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accouting (M.Sc.): Corporate Valuation - Theory and Practice
The Seminar Corporate Valuation is directed at students in the master degree Management & Technology as well as Management. You find more information in the details.
Supervisor: Marc Mehrer, Markus Frank
Language: English Semester
Weekly hours: 4
Course Limitation: 20 students
Value-based Management
The lecture „Value-based Management“ is a Master course. Please check with the help of your student counselling office if and how you can integrate the subject into your curriculum.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl
Tutor: Marie-Christine Groß
Language: English
Scope: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS (Lecture with integrated tutorial)
Advanced Seminar in Finance & Accounting: Globalisation and Digitalisation as a challenge
The course "Globalisation and Digitalisation as a challenge" is designed for all Master's students (elective subject).
Lecturer of the course: Dr. Till Reuter
Contact person at the chair: Eric Wimmer
Language of instruction: German
Teaching hours: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS