Cost Accounting (Bachelor)
The course "Cost Accounting" is aimed at students of the Bachelor's program TUM-BWL. Starting in the upcoming semester the default course language will be English (<> A German exam version will be available).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl
Instructors: Eline Schoonjans, Maximilian Blaschke, Peter Schäfer
Default language: English
Teaching hours: 4 SWS (Lecture + Exercise)
Cost Accounting (Master)
The course "Cost Accounting" is aimed at students of the Bachelor's program TUM-BWL. Starting in the upcoming semester the default course language will be English (<> A German exam version will be available).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl
Instructors: Eline Schoonjans, Maximilian Blaschke, Peter Schäfer
Default language: English
Teaching hours: 4 SWS (Lecture + Exercise)
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Digital Controlling
The seminar „Digital Controlling" is directed at students in the master program Management & Technology. You can find more information in the details.
Supervisors: Marc Mehrer, Yanis Gamarra
Language: German, English
Semester weekly hours: 4
Course Limitation: 25 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Corporate Valuation
The Seminar Corporate Valuation is directed at students in the master degree Management & Technology (Track 1 and Track 2). You find more information in the details.
Supervisor: Alexander Schult, Moritz Rombach, Julius Baumgart
Language: English
Semester weekly hours: 4
Course Limitation: 20 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Case Study Seminar
The Case Study Seminar is directed at students of the diploma degree Management & Technology (SBWL Controlling, minor in the category International Management) and the master degree Management & Technology (Track 1 and Track 2). You find more information in the details.
Supervisor: Marcus Witter, Lukas Kemmer, Leonard Schwellnus
Language: Strictly German language required for all sessions
Semester weekly hours: 4
Course Limitation: 30 students
Advanced Topics in Finance and Accounting: Political Stakeholder Management
Lecturer: Prof. Dr Klemens Joos, Founder & Managing Director EUXEA Holding GmbH
Supervision: Lukas Kemmer
Language: German
Workload: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Number of participants: limited to 16
Dean’s Lecture: Managing Digital Transformation in Global and Family Enterprises
This seminar gives profound insight in digital trasnformation and innovaton management of global companies and large family enterprises. The seminar is offered by the Dean of the TUM School of Management.
Supervisor: Lukas Schloter
Language: English
Semester weekly hours: 2
Course Limitation: 400 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Challenges in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
The Seminar "Topics in SME's" is directed at students in the master degree Management & Technology (Track 1 and Track 2), Management, Economis for scientists and Industrial engineering. You find more information in the details.
Supervisor: Eline Schoonjans, M.Sc., Yanis Gamarra, M.Sc., Antonia Hoffmann, M.Sc., Andrea Stübner, M.Sc., Tobias Beibl, M.Sc., Benedikt Tratt, M.Sc., Carl-Philipp Beichert, M.Sc
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 4
Course Limitation: 20-24 students
Advanced Topics in Finance and Accounting: Herausforderungen in der Nutzfahrzeugindustrie
Lecturer: Andreas Renschler, former CEO of Traton SE
Supervisor: Markus Frank
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 2 SWS / 3 ECTS
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Current transformation areas in the automotive industry
The seminar is directed at students of the master degree Management & Technology, Master in Management, Master in Consumer Science. See details for further information.
Lecturer: Oliver Zipse, CEO BMW AG
Supervisor: Julius Baumgart, Sarah Steinbach, Marcus Witter
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS/ 6 ECTS
Participants: 40 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Challenges in the Aviation Industry
The Seminar "Challenges in the Aviation Industry" is directed at students of the master degree Management & Technology, Master in Management, Master in Consumer Science. See details for further information.
Lecturer: Carsten Spohr, Lufthansa AG
Supervisor: Christoph Köster, Antonia Hoffmann
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS/ 6 ECTS
Participants: 40 students
Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Transformation processes in a digital company
The Seminar "Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Transformation processes in a digital company" is directed at students of the master degree Management & Technology, Master in Management, Master in Consumer Science. See details for further information.
Lecturer: Christine Scheffler, CHRO ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Supervisor: Alexandra Knoth M.Sc.
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS/ 6 ECTS
Participants: 40 students.
Advanced Seminar in Finance & Accounting: Entrepreneurial Modeling
The seminar "Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accouting:Entrepreneurial Modelling" is aimed at students from the master degrees of Master in Management and Technology, Master in Management, Master in Consumer Science.
Supervisor: Johanna Schulze-Berge, M.Sc.
Language: German (mandatory); English (final presentations)
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Participants: 20 participants
Advanced Seminar Finance & Accounting: Globalisierung und Digitalisierung als Herausforderung
The course "Globalization and Digitalization as a challenge" targets all Master students (elective subject).
Lecturer: Dr. Till Reuter
Organizational support: Lukas Schloter
Course language: German
Scope: 4 SWS / 6 ECTS
Business Intelligence and Reporting (vhb course)
The lecture "Business Intelligence and Reporting" is offered by virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb).
Registration period: April 1st - July 10th
Contact person for organizational issues and exam: Julia Holzmann
Language of instruction: German
Seminar in Finance and Accounting: ESG and Sustainability in Finance and Accounting (Bachelor)
The seminar is directed at students of the bachelor degree Management & Technology.
Supervisor: Christoph Köster
Language: German
Semester weekly hours: 4 SWS/ 6 ECTS
Participants: 36 students