Process of the project study:
The project is processed in cooperation with the company partner. The supervision is shared between the company partner and the chair, however, the focus of the content and scope is rather driven by the company partner rather than the chair.
- The project group is a team of 2-5 persons.
- The working time for the study are 3-6 months, depending on the classification in "Full-time" or "Part-time".
- The work in the project is assessed individually. The judgment of the practice partner is included in the assessment.
- The evaluation is based on two components at the end of the project study:
- A project report of ~10 pages per person that is subject to the usual formal requirements of the Chair of Controlling. In exceptional cases, the form and length of the report can be adapted to the respective project in alignment with the chair and/or the practice partner.
- A 20-30 minute final presentation in front of the supervisor of the chair and the practice partner.
Both the presentation and the project report should be submitted before the official end of the project study; this applies ideally also to the actual date of the final presentation.
The students can either work on a topic of the chair or come up with their own proposal (together with a company). The chair decides if the topic is applicable and acceptable for a project study.
We offer project studies in all major business disciplines. A direct connection to the field of cost accounting is not mandatory.
Current topics:
Recent Proposals:
- New Applications and Business Expansion @ NEDGEX
- Prompt Engineering @ Parabella
- Datengetriebene Transformation: Innovating Fashion through AI @ BCG
- Business Development - New Space @ NEDGEX
- Business Development @ droov
- Computer Science @ Parabella
- Advanced data analytics in the yacht charter business @ Forsailors
- Strategie und wirtschaftliche Potenziale im Motorsport @ Mücke Roth & Company
- Go-to-Market: Erneuerbare Energie @ Feldwerke
- Gen AI Go to market Strategie @ Leaping AI (CDTM Startup)
- Shape the Go-To-Market of a PropTech AI pioneer @ baind
Older Proposals:
- Validate the Business Model and find the Product-Market Fit for the "Förderradar" @ NetZero Academy
- Market model greenhouse gas quotas @ goetzpartners
- Go-To-Market Strategy @ Adon Health (VC-backed HealthTech)
- Develop a product roadmap for our econvio energy platform @ econvio
- Neugründung @ Vitolus
- Branding & SEO @ Vitolus
- Pflege Controlling & Operations @ Vitolus
- Building the AI copilot for European Manufacturers @ Blona
- Sales Strategy or Operations @ Alpaka Climate
Previous Project Studies:
- Business Case für Web-VR Musterhauspark @ Visonation
- Whitepaper on international IT/ERP Rollout @Sofico
- Market and content creation strategy @Traboo
- Prozessoptimierung @Voxelgrid
- Marktanalyse @ Muniqo Performante
- AI product launch @Edgeless Systems
- Project Study @NetZero
- Business Develompent @Medilus
- Go to Market Strategy @susio
- Process automation @
- Bewertung von Synergieeffekten @ Wisag (ein Student mit Interesse. Weitere Teammitglieder werden gesucht)
- Nudging a Community Experiment @ connactz
- Sales Automatisms with Hubspot @ connactz
- Management for the Movie Industry @ connactz
- Naïf - Entwicklung einer effektiven Wachstumsstrategie für den DACH-Markt
- Cash Planning Tool @ styleGreen
- Profitable Carbon Emission Reduction @Simpact
- New ways of recruiting_Blockchain_Citizen Development @ KPMG
- Projektmanagement und Beratung bei Energieeffizienz@ Ecorion
- ESG im Bankenaufsichtsrecht @ PwC
- Business Development for Cloud Software@Economic AI
- Marketing Strategy for Economic AI start-up@Economic AI
- Geschäftsmodell und Businessplan für Umweltanalytik-Heimtestungen @Vitolus
- Marketingstrategie für Alltagshilfe-Dienst @Vitolus
- Marketing & Growth Hacking B2B Car-Insurance @Claimini
- Erstellung einer Produktstrategie mit dem CEO: Entwicklung eines B2C Plattform Konzepts @Hofmann Menü-Manufaktur GmbH
- Entwicklung einer Markteintrittsstrategie mit dem CEO: GoTo Market "Ghost Kitchen" Konzept @Hofmann Menü-Manufaktur GmbH
- Sponsoring-Strategie für Wasserstoff Drohne @ Levitum
- Marketing-Strategie für Wasserstoff Drohne @ Levitum
Für eigene Projektvorschläge müssen Bewerber vor dem Start ein Exposé einreichen (1-2 Seiten, in Stichpunkten möglich), dass das Thema, das Ziel und den geplanten Ablauf der Projektstudie behandelt. Der Charakter des Projekts sowie die Motivation, das Ziel und die Arbeit des Projekt-Teams (Umfang und Verantwortlichkeiten) müssen im Exposé geklärt werden. Dieses Exposé ist Grundlage für den Themenfindungsprozess zwischen Bewerbern, Unternehmen und Lehrstuhl.
Falls Sie Interesse haben ein Projektstudium aus Ihrem Unternehmen auszuschreiben, finden Sie hier weitere Informationen.
You can apply at the chair only after you have succesfully applied at the practice partner and have received the confirmaton by the practice partner for the specific topic. The application process for a project study at our chair then starts three to four weeks before the planned kick-off by handing in all documents (via e-mail in a single pdf-file to projektstudium.controlling(at)
- Application form
- Current transcript of records, CVs of all applicants
- Exposé if necessary (see below)
Please do not contact us without complete application documents. The final decision about the supervisory is then taken by the chair, if needed together with the practice partner.