For a transfer of credits, received from a university or equal school in or outside of Germany, it is required that the taken courses
- are largely equivalent in the content of the teaching course at our chair and
- cover the same workload (in weekly hours per semester) as the lecture at our chair.
All forms for the transfer-process regarding your stay abroad and further information are available here. All forms for the transfer from earlier study programs are available here.
To check the requirements regarding a transfer, please send the filled form (see below) together with a detailled overview of the course contents and information regarding the volume, ECTS-Credits and literature which is covered in the lecture in one single pdf document to Eric Wimmer. Only complete requests can be considered and checked.
Transfer from universities outside of Germany
Please look here and read this factsheet. The first link contains a database of lectures and courses, which where already checked in the past. Please look up if your lecture has already been approved before sending the form. If the course is not available yet, please send in the form for the review of credit-transfer together with all required documents in one single pdf document to Eric Wimmer
Transfer of credits from earlier study programmes
For transfer of credits from earlier study programmes, you need to fill out this form and hand in all required documents (also grade and testimony) in one single pdf document to Eric Wimmer. You will receive an e-mail with the result of the transfer-process. If the course is suitable for transfer, you need to hand in the original certificate together with a copy at the Chair (room 2407). The original paper can be collected a week after.
The notification of the examination offiece of the TUM School of Management is automated, given that the requirements are fulfilled and all documents are handed in. The calculation of the grade is done by the administration of the faculty with the so called Bayerischen Formel (Bavarian formula § 6 Abs. 9 ADPO). If you have questions regarding the calculation, please directly contact the student office of the faculty.
If the notification has to be sent to a different faculty, you have to fill out their form and send it via e-mail to the contact person. You can collect your letter of confirmation at our administration office.