Antonia Hoffmann, M.Sc.


Address: Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 Munich
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 51 55 60 89
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 51 55 60 77
Office hours: by appointment
Social Media: LinkedIn


Research Interests:

Sustainability & Circular Economy


Teaching Activities:

Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Challenges in the Aviation Industry (summer term 2022)

Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Current Transformation Areas in the Automotive Industry (summer term 2023)

Advanced Seminar in Finance and Accounting: Challenges in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (winter term 2021/22; summer term 2022; winter term 2022/23; winter term 2023/24)


Academic Background:

Since 09/2021 Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate
Chair of Management Accounting (Prof. Friedl)
Technical University of Munich
04/19 - 09/21 Management & Technology
Technichal University of Munich
Degree: Master of Science
10/15 - 03/19 Management & Technology
Technichal University of Munich
Abschluss: Bachelor of Science
01/18 - 05/18

Exchange Semester
National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore