Julia Holzmann, M.Sc.


Address: Arcisstr. 21, 80333 Munich
E-Mail: julia.holzmann@tum.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 289-25807
Telefax: +49 (0) 89 289-25802
Room: 2431
Office hours: by appointment


Academic Background:

Since 03/17 Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate, Chair of Management Accounting
Technichal University of Munich
07/14 - 11/14 Studies abroad
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
10/13 - 03/17 Management & Technology
Technichal University of Munich
10/09 - 01/13 Management & Technology
Technichal University of Munich
Degree: Bachelor of Science


Research Interests:

Behavioral Economics
Monetary vs. non-monetary incentives
Pay for performance