Project Studies
The Professorship for Entrepreneurial Finance (PEF) welcomes applications for project studies at any time. The goal of project studies is that students gain experience in project management. Students work on a specific topic that is of practical relevance for and/or scientific interest to a collaboration partner. Project studies are completed in groups of 2-5 students and over a time period of 3 months (full-time) or 6 months (part-time).
You can apply to conduct your project studies at the PEF either by applying for a suggested project (see current offerings below) or by applying with your own project proposal and collaboration partner. In the latter case, you should have identified a collaboration partner and agreed on the collaboration before you apply to the PEF. In any case, please send your complete application to office.entfin(at), including (i) a short description of your motivation, (ii) your CV, and (iii) your current transcript of record. Ideally, when you apply, you have already identified your fellow team members.
When we accept your application for the project study, we will registered it for you with the examination board (Prüfungsausschuss). Please send your group members' matriculation numbers, the project title, the start date, and the name and location of your collaboration partner.
Lutz, J., Nuener, V., Rollwage, P.F.W. & Schwarz, R.: Founding of a new venture in the used and refurbished electronics space in South Africa and Egypt; in collaboration with MAP Venture Partners in South Africa, 2022.