
Prof. Braun conducted a study with AT Kearney on the future of the Private Equity Industry. The study was recently featured in the German Handelsblatt, interviewing both, Prof. Braun and Prof. Achleitner. Prof. Braun show three main challenges for the industry in upcoming years: 1) The high amounts…

The UnternehmerTUM has decided to expand its Supervisory Board by two additional members: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin Achleitner and Peter Schwarzenbauer (former member of the Board of Management of the BMW Group) are appointed to the Supervisory Board with effect from 1 January 2020. The expansion…

CEFS Master student Sascha Mader (supervised by Dr. Svenja Jarchow), received the 2019 Peter Pribilla Award for the best Master thesis at the TUM School of Management. CEFS congratulates Sascha and is proud to have this award in the CEFS family! The Master thesis was made possible by a cooperation…

CEFS proudly announces that Prof. Reiner Braun received the 2019 Best Teaching Award by the Faculty TUM School of Management. The award honors the best teachers for our students in all disciplines of management studies. Prof. Braun received outstanding grades for all his classes throughout. His…

The Institute for Advanced Study of Princeton University appointed Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin Achleitner to its Board of Trustees on October 26, 2019. The press release can be found here. In their press release, the IAS describes itself as follows: "The Institute for Advanced Study is one of the…

Private wealth also comes with responsibility. Yet, how can more private wealth be won for the common good?How could donation in its many forms evolve to mobilize more resources to accomplish larger community tasks? On October 29th, a small group of founders, high net-worth individuals and experts…

Credit facilities in private equity, often referred to as “subscription lines” (SL), have become a topic of interest, sparking debates not only among researchers but also among practitioners. In this paper, we are the first to analyze their potential thoroughly by quantifying the impact on both…

 The CEFS published a new study on listed family firms in Germany. It was joint work of Prof. Achleitner, Prof. Braun and Prof. Kaserer as well as Dr. Jarchow, Mr. Keppler and Mr. Szewczyk from the CEFS team on behalf of Stiftung Familienunternehmen. The study concludes that family firms in Germany…

On July 22nd, 2019, Professor Achleitner received the highest honor of the Bavarian state, the Bavarian Order of Merit. The press news from the Bavarian government can be found here (in German). The Bavarian Order of Merit is awarded by the Bavarian Prime Minister on a yearly basis as “a sign of…

The study "Innovationskraft in Deutschland verbessern: Ökosystem für Wachstumsfinanzierung stärken" ("Improving Germany's innovation power: strengthening the ecosystem for growth financing") by Prof. Dr. Dr. Ann-Kristin Achleitner and Prof. Braun together with Thomas Lange and Jan Henning Behrens…