Finance Research Seminars (Summer 2017)

All seminars take place in room 3539.


May 17, 12:00-13:15Tim Adam (HU Berlin)Financial Contagion in the Mutual Fund Industry
May 26, 10:00-11:15Jared Stanfield (UNSW Australia)Staying clean: Do non-implicated peer firms necessarily benefit from anti-corruption policies?
May 30, 10:00-11:15Stefan Ruenzi (University of Mannheim)Mutual Fund Shareholder Letters: Flows, Performance, and Managerial Behavior
June 13, 15:15-16:30Heiko Jacobs (University of Mannheim)Anomalies across the globe: Once public, no longer existent?
June 28, 12:30-13:45Markus C. Arnold (University of Bern)Investment Professionals' Use of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures

Faculty members, students and guests are more than welcome to join the seminar.

Please email Daniel Urban ( if you want to request a slot or have questions.