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Mario Fischer is the winner of this year’s "BAI Wissenschaftspreis" offered by the "Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V." for his diploma thesis "Special Situation Fonds”.  Matthias Hanauer and Dr. Udo Seifert (MEAG) supervised the thesis, which has been written at the Department of Financial…

Der Lehrstuhl für Finanzmathematik unter Leitung von Herrn Prof. Zagst freut sich, interessante Angebote im Rahmen des Fit for TUMorrow Weiterbildungsprogramms für das kommende Wintersemester vorstellen zu können: Die nachfolgenden Veranstaltungen stehen nicht nur allen Studenten der Mathematik…

Dr. Theodor Weimer, CEO of HypoVereinsbank, will be giving a guest lecture on January 22, 2014 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm in the lecture hall N 1179. This lecture is part of the course "Investitions- und Finanzmanagement" held by Prof. Kaserer.

A new and interesting "Projektstudium" is available at Life Bond Management GmbH. For more information please refer to the following document.

Please find the link to register for the post-exam review of the exam "Asset Management" here. The post-exam review will take place on August 26.