Dr. Hanna Sittenthaler



Room: 0505.03.562
Phone: +49 89 289 24081
Fax: +49 89 289 24075
Mail: hanna.sittenthaler@tum.de
Office hours: By appointment

Short biography

Since 2019

Postdoctoral Research & Teaching Associate at the Chair of Corporate Management, Technical University of Munich


Research & Teaching Associate at the Chair of Corporate Management, Technical University of Munich


Research Associate, Graduate Center of TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich


Client Communications and Alumni Relations, The Boston Consulting Group GmbH                                  


Studies of Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dipl.-Volksw.

Research Interest

  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Monetary and Non-Monetary Incentives

Research Projects

My research focuses on the impact of incentives from a behavioral economics perspective using an experimental approach. Besides the impact of piece rate cuts on performance, I analyze the effectiveness of monetary and non-monetary incentives and shed light on the impact of gender differences. My research projects aim to understand the underlying psychological mechanisms of incentives as this is crucial to implement them effectively.