Advanced Seminar F&A: Sustainability Management in Corporations

Seminar leader Pöppl AnnalenaProf. Dr. Alwine Mohnen
Course language English
Credit points (ECTS) 6
Participants max. 16

Course objective

The seminar offers participants an initial overview of current sustainability issues and how corporations may address them. Based on that, participants examine one sustainability topic in more detail by applying an appropriate qualitative or quantitative research method as part of their own research project in groups of two. The seminar may serve as a starting point for further research, but also prepares participants for issues they are likely going to face in their professional lives.


The seminar addresses the following issues:

  • What is sustainability and what is sustainability management in corporations?
  • Bringing business in line with the Paris Agreement: Corporate climate-related target setting
  • Circular economy: A viable strategy to decouple well-being from resource use?
  • Sustainability reporting & performance measures: How to quantify sustainability?
  • Incentive systems: How do corporations set incentives for sustainable behaviour?
  • Nudging for sustainability - Using Behavioral Economics to foster sustainable behavior
  • Physical and mental health of employees: A pressing topic for corporations

Participants conduct their own research in groups of two in one of those fields. Participant’s exact research questions are to be specified individually based on participants’ research interests. Recommended readings will be presented in the Kick-off meeting.


The registration and distribution for the limited courses of the TUM School of Management will take place via TUMonline.


Participants are required to make the following contributions:

  • Seminar paper on a topic to be specified with their coach (70%);
  • Presentation of the paper to the other seminar participants (30%);

The seminar papers are to be written and the presentations to be held by teams of two. Active participation in class is expected. All groups of two are assigned to a coach who will support them with their research.
Seminar papers are expected to be academic pieces of writing and are assessed by academic standards. Students who do not have any experience in academic writing are encouraged to complete a scientific writing course before taking this seminar.


The main elements of the seminar are a kick-off meeting, coaching and peer-to-peer feedback, paper presentation day and completion of the seminar paper. The seminar consists of the following milestones:

Oct 23

09:00 – 17:00

Kick-off day: Introduction and assignment of topics (in person)

Room 2544

Nov 6-10


1st coaching session: Discussion of the research question and story line
(meetings are to be arranged individually and will be held on Zoom)

Nov 16

09:00 – 15:00

Peer-to-peer feedback session (in person) Room 2566 

Jan 10


Deadline for submission of the presentation slides


January 12

09:00 – 15:00

Presentation and discussion of the teams’ research; (in person)

Room Z538

January 15-19


2nd coaching session: Discussion of any final questions before paper submission (meetings are to be arranged individually and will be held on Zoom)


Febr 01

09:00- 23:59

Deadline for submission of the paper


February 20-23


Feedback sessions (meetings are to be arranged individually and will be held on Zoom)


The kick-off day (October 23), peer-to-peer feedback session (November 16), and presentation day (January 12) are mandatory elements of the seminar. Attendance is compulsory and you cannot pass the seminar unless you attend these meetings.


The kick-off day (October 23), peer-to-peer feedback session (November 17), and presentation day (January 12) will be held in person. Coaching and feedback sessions will be held on Zoom.


Pöppl Annalena, Robert Burkhardt